====== UniDive COST Action CA21167 ====== [[https://www.cost.eu/|{{ :cost_logo_rgb_lowresolution-cropped.jpg?150 }}]]{{ :en-funded_by_the_eu-pos.png?150 }} {{ :meetings:general_meetings:2023-03-17-unidive-group-photo-small.jpg?1200 |}} ===== Latest news ===== * **[5 July 2024]**: Our 2nd progress report is due on 22 October. By this time, we should make all the outcomes of the Action visible on the website. Please, send us information about [[outcomes:publications|publications]], [[https://unidive.lisn.upsaclay.fr/doku.php?id=outcomes:language-resources|language resources]], [[https://unidive.lisn.upsaclay.fr/doku.php?id=outcomes:dissemination|dissemination activities]] and other outcomes which directly benefited from UniDive. * **[5 July 2024]**: We now have as many as 19 ongoing tasks and subtasks within the 4 Working Groups. They are all documented on the [[working_groups|website]]. If you are interested in joining one of them, please, contact the task leaders. * **[5 July 2024]**: The 3rd UniDive General Meeting will take place in **Budapest** on **29-30 January 2025** and will be preceded by a **WG2 meeting** on **28 Jan 2024**. * **[5 July 2024]**: Due to the extended budget and savings from previous events, we are planning a last-minute call for STSMs late July. You may start planning your STSM already now. They should end no later than early October. For all details see the [[grants:stsms:stsm_grants|STSM page]]. * **[5 July 2024]**: The [[meetings:other-events:1st_unidive_training_school|1st UniDive training school]] is taking place on 8-12 July in Chișinău, Moldova. 3 courses on corpus annotation are offered. We are expecting about 60 trainees from over 20 countries, working on more than 30 languages, most of which low-resourced. We plan to record the courses and make them available after the event. * **[5 July 2024]**: The [[https://multiword.org/mweud2024/|MWE-UD workshop]] took place on the 25th of May and was co-located with the LREC/COLING conference in Turin. It was the 3rd biggest satellite event of this conference (UniDive funded 23 participants). The event featured 2 invited talks and 26 archival submissions, which are available at the [[https://aclanthology.org/volumes/2024.mwe-1/|ACL anthology]]. * **[5 July 2024]**: In April, we received a proposal from COST to extend our budget for year 2. To be able to benefit from it, we drafted the Work and Budget amendment, which was validated by COST and by the UniDive Management Committee. This top-up budget allowed us to substantially increase the funding for the MWE-UD workshop Turin, the training school in Chișinău and the conference grants. ===== About UniDive ===== The CA21167 COST Action, UniDive, is an interdisciplinary scientific network devoted to universality, diversity and idiosyncrasy in language technology. * It main objective is to **reconcile language diversity with rapid progress in language technology**. * It embraces both **inter-** and **intra-language diversity**, i.e. a diversity understood both in terms of the differences among the existing languages and of the variety of linguistic phenomena exhibited within a language. * It gathers about **250** interdisciplinary experts (linguists, computational linguists, computer scientists, psycholinguists, and industrials) from almost **40 COST countries** (36 of which are [[https://www.cost.eu/about/members/|COST countries]]). * It represents **dozens of languages** from many different language genera. ===== Basic data ===== * Duration: from **23 September 2022** to **22 September 2026** * Official COST webpage: [[https://www.cost.eu/actions/CA21167/|https://www.cost.eu/actions/CA21167/]] * Detailed objectives and workprogram - to be found in the [[https://e-services.cost.eu/files/domain_files/CA/Action_CA21167/mou/CA21167-e.pdf|Memorandum of Understanding]] * 4 [[working_groups|Working Groups]] * We welcome [[how_to_join_us|new members]] ===== Social Media UniDive Profiles ===== * LinkedIn: [[https://www.linkedin.com/company/unidive/about//|UniDive]] * Instagram: [[https://www.instagram.com/unidive__ca21167/?igshid=NGVhN2U2NjQ0Yg%3D%3D/|unidive__ca21167]] * Youtube Channel: [[https://www.youtube.com/@UniDiveCA21167/|@UniDiveCA21167]] * Facebook: [[https://www.facebook.com/people/Action-COST-UniDive/100095236907425/|Action COST UniDive]] * Twitter: [[https://twitter.com/UniDive_CA21167/|UniDive_CA21167]] * TikTok: [[https://www.tiktok.com/@unidive_ca21167/|UniDive_CA21167]]