====== UniDive 1st call for ITC conference grant applications - Year 2 ====== UniDive COST Action is pleased to announce the **1st call for applications for Inclusiveness Target Countries (ITC) conference grants**. ITC Conference grants are awarded by the Management Committee to young researchers or innovators affiliated in an Inclusiveness Target Country (ITC) or a Near Neighbour Country (NNC), to present their own work (poster/oral presentation) at an international well recognised conference organised by third parties (not COST Actions). For a list of ITC and NNC countries see: [[https://www.cost.eu/uploads/2023/03/Annex-I-level-A-Country-and-Organisations-Table-Version-1.5.pdf|COST countries]] ITC Conference grants: * help Young Researchers and Innovators to gain knowledge and to establish a strong network in the research community through sharing their work; * increase the visibility of the Action; * provide contribution for travelling, accommodation and subsistence expenses, registration fee, printing of scientific poster and overall effort. **Applications** are submitted via the [[https://e-services.cost.eu/|e-COST portal]] (or via [[https://e-services.cost.eu/activity/grants/add?type=ITCG|this link]]) using the dedicated forms available. The content of the application shall include paper title, conference title, conference country, start and end date, budget requested by the applicant, as well as supporting documents: copy of the abstract of the accepted presentation, acceptance letter from the conference organizers, and a short explanation of the relevance of the paper to the UniDive Action. Please, note that a **written report** must also be submitted via e-COST upon returning from the conference. For more information on the ITC grants, see the [[https://www.cost.eu/uploads/2022/12/COST-094-21-Annotated-Rules-for-COST-Actions-Level-C-V1.3.pdf|Annotated Rules for Cost Actions: Annex2]]. For more information on the application procedure, please consult the [[https://www.cost.eu/uploads/2021/12/Grant-Awarding-userguide.pdf|Grant Awarding User Guide]]. **Important dates:** * Application deadline: 15th June, 2024 * Notification: 20th June, 2024 * Conference dates: 16th June - 30th September, 2024 If you need more information, please do not hesitate to contact us. Best wishes, Nurit Melnik (nuritme@openu.ac.il) & Stella Markantonatou (marks@athenarc.gr) Grant Awarding Coordinators of UniDive COST action.