====== UniDive 2nd general meeting - instructions for abstract presenters ====== This page contains the instructions for the authors of the selected abstracts for the [[meetings:general_meetings:2nd_unidive_general_meeting|UniDive's 2nd general meeting]]. After the first meeting’s successful Abstract presentation, we decided to keep the same threefold approach: - A **1-minute presentation** of each poster will be done in a dedicated plenary session with 1 page booster slide. - Posters displayed on provided panels and classical **poster sessions** will allow for parallel discussions. - Posters and abstracts will be uploaded on the [[meetings:general_meetings:2nd_unidive_general_meeting:abstracts|event's webpage]]. **Posters** should be of **A0 size portrait**. Two templates for your posters can be downloaded from [[https://utm-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/victoria_bobicev_ia_utm_md/EkE8Hi7UlyZPk33TBidevm0BHZsaxTeAPD2WSNqj4Eb7bA?e=wVr3cB|here]]; you can use any of them or make your own poster from scratch but in any case, the poster should contain: * UNIDIVE logo * COST logo * European Union logo * title, * name(s) of author(s), * relevant Working Groups (WG1, WG2, WG3, and/or WG4), * indicating image of the presented work stage (planned work, work in progress, completed work -- see the [[https://utm-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/victoria_bobicev_ia_utm_md/EkE8Hi7UlyZPk33TBidevm0BHZsaxTeAPD2WSNqj4Eb7bA?e=wVr3cB|templates]]) Please, make sure that all examples in various languages go along with English translations and/or explanations. **One booster slide** in .pdf format for a **1-minute** booster presentation should be A4 size landscape containing the main information about your work. It can be anything you want to display in a 1-minute presentation to attract participants to your poster. The **file names** should contain the relevant WG numbers, the authors' names and the slide|poster extension, e.g.: * WG2-WG4-SMITH-DOE-slide.pdf * WG1-4-SMITH-DOE-ANDREWS-poster.pdf Please, **upload your poster and booster slide** in [[https://openreview.net/group?id=UniDive/2024/General_Meeting/Authors|OpenReview]] along with your abstract by **January 29**. Make sure that the file is less than 10 Mb. Remember to **bring your poster printed** (A0 portrait) to the meeting in Naples. See you in Naples! Organizing committee.