====== UniDive-related international projects and networks ====== ==== Initiaives from which UniDive originated ==== * [[https://universaldependencies.org/|Universal Dependencies]] (UD) – open community effort with over 300 contributors who address cross-linguistically consistent grammatical annotation and have already produced more than 200 treebanks in over 100 languages; unfunded (except for local funding of the individual contributors). * [[http://parseme.eu/|PARSEME]] – IC1207 COST Action on MWEs and parsing, with 200 researchers from 31 countries ==== Other international initiatives ==== * [[https://unimorph.github.io/|UniMorph]] – a collaborative effort (coordinated by US experts) to improve how NLP processes complex morphology in the world's languages, particularly those which are low-resourced * [[https://newnlp.princeton.edu/|NewNLP]] – US-EU initiative for supporting NLP technology in low-resourced languages and dialects. * [[http://matrix.ling.washington.edu/index.html|LinGO Grammar Matrix]] and [[https://hpsg.hu-berlin.de/Projects/CoreGram.html|CoreGram]] – projects focused on implementing common core grammar components for various languages in order to empirically test language universals * CA18209 [[https://www.cost.eu/actions/CA18209/|NexusLinguarum]] (2019 – 2023), CA18231 [[https://www.cost.eu/actions/CA18231/|Multi3Generation]] (2019 – 2023), CA19102 [[https://www.cost.eu/actions/CA19102/|LITHME]] (2020 – 2024) - ongoing COST Actions on interoperable multilingual data, language generation, and linguistics-technology dialogue.  * [[https://elen.ngo/|ELEN]] and [[https://elex.is/|Elexis]] - European Language Equality Network and H2020 lexicographic infrastructure. * [[https://lanfrica.com/|Lanfrica]] - catalogue of African language resources * [[http://embeddia.eu/|Embeddia]] (2019 – 2022) – European H2020 project dedicated to the use of cross-lingual embeddings coupled with deep neural networks to allow existing monolingual resources to be used across languages. * [[https://www.european-language-grid.eu/|European Language Grid]] (2019-2020) – European H2020 platform for language resources and tools, drawing notably upon META-NET and CLARIN. * [[https://gourmet-project.eu/|Gourmet]] (2019-2021) – European H2020 project aiming at using and improving neural machine translation for low-resourced language pairs and domains. * [[https://pret-a-llod.github.io/|Prêt-à-LLOD]] (2019-2022) – European H2020 project dedicated to combining language technologies with Linguistic Linked Open Data (LLOD), and to creating ready-to-use multilingual data. * [[http://aelaw.unizar.es/|AELAW]] (2015-2019) – COST Action dedicated to ancient European languages and writings; it notably produced a database of existing ancient inscriptions. * [[https://reldi.spur.uzh.ch/|ReLDI]] and [[http://www.clarin.si/info/k-centre/|CLASSLA]] – cross-border network of researchers and professionals, and a CLARIN knowledge centre, dedicated to south-Slavic language technology. * [[https://www.cost.eu/actions/CA19142/|LEAD-ME]] (2020-) - COST Action on media accessibility in Europe.