UniDive mailing lists

UniDive members communicate via several mailing lists. The domain of all lists is lisn.upsaclay.fr. The subscription to these lists is handled by the Core Group upon the admission of a new MC or WG member. Subscription can be personally cancelled and archives can be accessed on the webpage of each list. The lists have the following composition:

The email addresses included in these lists are those used by the UniDive members in their e-cost profiles.

The administrator of most of the lists is the UniDive Science Communication Coordinator, Olesea Caftanatov (see all contacts at the official COST page). The administrators of the unidive-wg3-core list are the WG3 co-leaders.

Policy for using UniDive mailing lists

The UniDive mailing lists are not moderated, i.e. all their members can post announcements (provided that they use their e-cost email addresses) and these are not manually filtered.

All members are therefore requested to be careful about the contents they are posting. Please, always keep in mind that these lists, especially unidive-all and unidive-wg*, contain more than 300 email addresses in total.

The Core Group recommends the following policy for the UniDive mailing lists:

Thank you for your understanding!