Table of Contents

UniDive 3rd general meeting

Program Chairs


The main venues will be in Benczúr Hotel, Budapest, but some sessions will take place at the HUN-REN Hungarian Research Centre for Linguistics, Budapest, Hungary. To know more about the posters, see the call for abstracts.




The event will take place at:

How to get here: * From the train station …: * It takes approximately ?? minutes from the train station ??????. * By underground railway: Metro Line ? to ? stop. * How to get by car: * From … * Take … to ….


Some recommended hotels are marked in this map.

There are many bed and breakfasts in the area adjacent to the university, but we recommend booking accommodation as early as possible.

Social Events



If you are selected by the Core Group to be reimbursement for the meeting, please accept the invitation that will be sent to you via e-COST before the meeting. After the meeting, fill in the reimbursement form that will be available online via the e-COST system and upload all relevant signed documents, as indicated in the reimbursement form. Before making any arrangements PLEASE READ general rules for the reimbursement described in the COST Annotated Rules, Annex A1-3.1 TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENT RULES. External members (who have not received the e-COST invitation) can also participate freely but will not be reimbursed for their travel and stay. Those external members should also fill in the registration form (to be published soon).

The daily reimbursement rate for this meeting is 160 EUR per night (flat rate). The number of the reimbursed nights is equal to the number of attended workshop/meeting days plus 1 (maximum one night before and one night after the meeting).

Expression of interest

If you are willing to participate in the Budapest meeting, please, fill in the form that will be shared later.

Please, note that filling in this form does not ensure you an official invite to the meeting or reimbursement of your travel and stay. Decisions about reimbursements will be made starting from late December.