UniDive 2nd general meeting - instructions for abstract presenters

This page contains the instructions for the authors of the selected abstracts for the UniDive's 2nd general meeting. After the first meeting’s successful Abstract presentation, we decided to keep the same threefold approach:

  1. 1-minute presentation of each poster will be done in a dedicated plenary session with 1 page booster slide.
  2. Posters displayed on provided panels and classical poster sessions will allow for parallel discussions.
  3. Posters and abstracts will be uploaded on the event's webpage.

Posters should be of A0 size portrait. Two templates for your posters can be downloaded from here; you can use any of them or make your own poster from scratch but in any case, the poster should contain:

Please, make sure that all examples in various languages go along with English translations and/or explanations.

One booster slide in .pdf format for a 1-minute booster presentation should be A4 size landscape containing the main information about your work. It can be anything you want to display in a 1-minute presentation to attract participants to your poster.

The file names should contain the relevant WG numbers, the authors' names and the slide|poster extension, e.g.:

Please, upload your poster and booster slide in OpenReview along with your abstract by January 29. Make sure that the file is less than 10 Mb.

Remember to bring your poster printed (A0 portrait) to the meeting in Naples.

See you in Naples!

Organizing committee.