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1st UniDive Training School - accepted projects

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  1. Construction of a UD Treebank for Mukri Kurdish and Modification of Existing UDs for Sorani and Kurmanji Kurdish and Persian with Emphasis on Multi-Word Expressions - Hiwa Asadpour (abstract )
  2. The annotation of the Pyramid Texts in the Egyptian-UJaen treebank - Roberto A. Diaz Hernandez (abstract )
  3. Towards the first UD Treebank of Spoken Italian: the KIParla forest - Ludovica Pannitto (1st_trainig_school_project_submission_number_three.pdf|abstract}} )
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accepted_projects.1718171833.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/06/12 07:57 by olesea.caftanov