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UniDive - How to join us

My professional interests are relevant to universality, diversity and idiosyncrasy in language and language technology. I have heard about UniDive. How can I join the Action?

The principle of any COST action is to be open to new members. Here is the lightweight admission procedure.

COST countries

Your affiliation country is a COST Member, Cooperating Member or Partner Member (see the list), i.e. this country is per default a member of the Action.

  • You may become a Management Committee member unless your country already has two official representatives in the MC. To this aim:
    • You should contact your COST National Coordinator to ask for a nomination to the UniDive MC.
    • You should validate the MC nomination on your e-cost account (by following the link sent by e-cost).
    • The action's chair will organize an MC vote to validate your MC membership; you will be informed about its outcome.
  • You may become a Working Group member. To this aim:
    • Read the scientific program of the action (see the Memorandum of Understanding, pp. 18-20). Choose one or more Working Groups which you would like to participate in.
    • Fill in the WG application. It will be examined by the UniDive Core Group.
    • If it is validated, your email will be added to the relevant UniDive mailing lists.
  • You are eligible for UniDive funding (within budgetary limits) of the UniDive activities:
    • STSM and conference grants
    • participation in UniDive meetings and training schools
    • hosting UniDive events (and receive Local Organizer Support)
    • hosting STSMs

Near-Neighbor Countries

Your affiliation country is a Near-Neighbor Country (see the map).

  • You may become a Working Group member. To this aim:
    • Read the scientific program of the action (see the Memorandum of Understanding, pp. 18-20). Choose one or more Working Groups which you would like to participate in.
    • Fill in the WG application. It will be examined by the UniDive Core Group.
    • If it is validated, your email will be added to the relevant UniDive mailing lists.
  • You are eligible for UniDive funding (within budgetary limits) of the UniDive activities:
    • STSM and conference grants
    • participation in UniDive meetings and training schools
    • hosting STSMs

Other countries

Your affiliation country is one of the above.

  • You may become a Working Group member. To this aim:
    • Read the scientific program of the action (see the Memorandum of Understanding, pp. 18-20). Choose one or more Working Groups which you would like to participate in.
    • Fill in the WG application. It will be examined by the UniDive Core Group.
    • If it is validated, your email will be added to the relevant UniDive mailing lists.
  • You are eligible for UniDive funding (within budgetary limits) of the UniDive activities:
    • hosting STSMs
Translations of this page:
  • en
how_to_join_us.1676624636.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/02/17 10:03 by agata.savary