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UniDive - How to join us

My professional interests are relevant to universality, diversity and idiosyncrasy in language and language technology. I have heard about UniDive. How can I join the Action?

The principle of any COST action is to be open to new members. Here is the lightweight admission procedure:

  • Check if your country is an official member of UniDive.
  • If your country is not an official member, contact your COST National Coordinator. They will be in charge of signing the action's Memorandum of Understanding on behalf of your country. You may become its official representative at the Management Committee. In this case:
    • You should validate the MC nomination on your e-cost account (by following the link sent by e-cost.
    • The action's chair will organize an MC vote to validate your MC membership; you will be informed about its outcome
  • If your country already is an official member, read the scientific program of the action (see the Memorandum of Understanding, pp. 18-20). Choose one or more Working Groups which you would like to participate in.
  • Fill in the WG application. It will be examined by the UniDive Core Group.
  • If it is validated, your email will be added to the relevant UniDive mailing lists.
Translations of this page:
  • en
how_to_join_us.1675769843.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/02/07 12:37 by agata.savary