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Call for abstracts, UniDive 3rd general meeting, HUN-REN Hungarian Research Centre for Linguistics, Hungary, Budapest, 29-30. January 2025

UniDive is a COST action, i.e. a scientific network, dedicated to universality, diversity and idiosyncrasy in language technology. It is structured around 4 Working Groups:

  • WG1: Corpus annotation
  • WG2: Lexicon-corpus interface
  • WG3: Multilingual and cross-lingual language technology
  • WG4: Quantifying and promoting diversity

The third general meeting of the action will take place on January 29-30, 2025. at the HUN-REN Hungarian Research Centre for Linguistics in Budapest, Hungary. We invite UniDive WG members to submit abstract proposals related to the scientific program of the WGs.

Proposals may describe diverse types of contributions, according to 3 different tracks:

  • Planned work
  • Work in progress
  • Complete work, also previously published

A proposal should be anonymous, written in English and submitted in pdf only. It should include (on the title page) the list of the relevant WGs. It should not exceed 2 pages, including figures and tables (bibliographic references may go beyond the 2-page limit). If linguistic examples from languages other than English are included, those should be glossed and translated into English, and an extra half page is allowed for this purpose.

A proposal should be anonymous, written in English and submitted in pdf only. It should include (on the title page) the list of the relevant WGs. It should not exceed 2 pages, including figures and tables (bibliographic references may go beyond the 2-page limit). If linguistic examples from languages other than English are included, those should be glossed and translated into English, and an extra half page is allowed for this purpose. For the sake of uniformity and easing the reviewers’ effort, we encourage authors to use the Overleaf Latex template. Other formats (not necessarily Latex-based) can also be used, provided that they conform to the following specifications: A4 paper, 11pt font, 1in margins.

The submission link will be announced soon.

The reviewing process is double-blind. The selection of proposals will be done by UniDive Program Committee according to the following criteria:

  • relevance to UniDive and the work program of its Working Groups (see pp. 18-20 of the Memorandum of Understanding),
  • clarity
  • diversity of the languages covered by the workshop program

The selected proposals will be presented at the 3rd UniDive general meeting as posters and/or oral presentations.

At least one author per selected proposal will be reimbursed for their travel and stay.

Important dates

  • 26 July 2024: Call for abstracts
  • 16 September 2024: Submission deadline
  • 7 October 2024: Notification of acceptance
  • 12 October 2024: Communication of the names of the presenters
  • 26 October 2024: Final versions of abstracts
  • 28 January 2025: WG2 meeting
  • 29-30 January 2025: UniDive 3rd general meeting

The time zone for all deadlines is anywhere on Earth (UTC-12). Due to the tight schedule, no extension of the submission deadline is foreseen.

Program Chairs

  • Olha Kanishcheva, SET University (Ukraine) and Friedrich Schiller University Jena (Germany)
  • Veronika Lipp, HUN-REN Hungarian Research Centre for Linguistics (Hungary)
  • Ranka Stanković, University of Belgrade (Serbia)

Program Committee

For the Budapest UniDive workshop, we wish an inclusive and diverse Program Committee. Anyone who feels competent in any domain of UniDive can join the Program Committee as a reviewer. To volunteer, please, fill in this form no later than the 11th of September 2024. The abstract review period will be: 19 September-2 October 2024. We expect no more than 3-4 abstracts of two pages each per reviewer. The more reviewers we recruit, the lower the reviewing charge.

Translations of this page:
  • en
meetings/general_meetings/3rd_unidive_general_meeting_call_for_abstracts.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/23 19:03 by ranka.stankovic